Basic Chakra Descriptions
1. Red: The Base Chakra (also known as the kundalini or root chakra) is located at the base of the spine. This chakra contains the primary 8 (Ogdoad) cells that have all of the knowledge of creation and remains the only cells in your body that do not change in your lifetime. It grounds us in the physical world.
2. Orange: The Sacral Chakra is located just beneath the navel, and is related to our sexual and reproductive capacity. Blockage manifests as basic emotional problems or sexual guilt.
3. Yellow: The Solar Plexus Chakra is the seat of emotions. This chakra gives us a sense of personal power in the world. Blockage manifests as anger or a sense of victimization.
4. Green: The Heart Chakra is vibrates at the love frequency and is a gateway located at the middle point. Blockages manifest as issues with the immune system or heart problems. It also appears through one’s lack of compassion.
5. Blue: The Throat Chakra is tied to creativity and communication. Blockages may manifest as a feeling of pressure in the throat area when you are not communicating or verbally expressing your emotions properly.
6. Indigo: The Third Eye Chakra (also known as the Pineal Gland) is a spiritual eye with the capabilities of looking upward. Blockages may manifest as the inability to intrepid events spiritually.
7. Purple: The Crown Chakra connects you with message from higher realms. Blockages may manifest an intense pressure on the top of the head.
1. Red: The Base Chakra (also known as the kundalini or root chakra) is located at the base of the spine. This chakra contains the primary 8 (Ogdoad) cells that have all of the knowledge of creation and remains the only cells in your body that do not change in your lifetime. It grounds us in the physical world.
2. Orange: The Sacral Chakra is located just beneath the navel, and is related to our sexual and reproductive capacity. Blockage manifests as basic emotional problems or sexual guilt.
3. Yellow: The Solar Plexus Chakra is the seat of emotions. This chakra gives us a sense of personal power in the world. Blockage manifests as anger or a sense of victimization.
4. Green: The Heart Chakra is vibrates at the love frequency and is a gateway located at the middle point. Blockages manifest as issues with the immune system or heart problems. It also appears through one’s lack of compassion.
5. Blue: The Throat Chakra is tied to creativity and communication. Blockages may manifest as a feeling of pressure in the throat area when you are not communicating or verbally expressing your emotions properly.
6. Indigo: The Third Eye Chakra (also known as the Pineal Gland) is a spiritual eye with the capabilities of looking upward. Blockages may manifest as the inability to intrepid events spiritually.
7. Purple: The Crown Chakra connects you with message from higher realms. Blockages may manifest an intense pressure on the top of the head.
1: The Root Chakra(The First Chakra): Earth, Physical identity, oriented to self-preservation
Healthy Root Chakra:
Grounded, Centered, Belonging, Pride, Fully Alive, Healthy, Able To Trust, Independent, Determined, Trusts In Self and Others, Secure, Patient, Constant, Ambitious, Passionate, Committed, Unlimited Physical Energy, Can Easily Manifest Abundance, and Survival.
Too Much Energy In The Root Chakra:
Greedy, Egotistical, Domineering, Bossy, Addicted To Wealth, Highly Strung, Hyperactive, Sadistic, Sexual Energy Entirely Genital, Addicted To Self, Violent, Dishonest, and Cunning.
Too Little Energy In The Root Chakra:
Can’t Reach Goals, Lack Of Confidence, Feels Unloved, Feels Unlovable, Not Grounded, Deficient Energy, Lacks Confidence, Suicidal, Weak Willed, Feels Sexually Inadequate,, Little Interest In Sex, Masochistic, Fearful, Frustrated, Alienated, and See Yourself As Being Separate from Everyone Else.
Illnesses Related To The Root Chakra:
Drug Addictions, Anemia, Cancer, Arthritis, Heart Disease, Gynecological Problems, Herpes, Weight Problems, Hemorrhoids, Degenerative Arthritis, Knee Troubles, Sciatica.
2: The Sacral Chakra(The Second Chakra): Water, Emotional identity, oriented to self-gratification
Healthy Sacral Chakra:
Friendly, Concerned For Others, Sense of Belonging, Intuitive, Clairsentient,
Good Sense of Humor, Radiate Warmth and Compassion, Friendly, Creative, Healthy, Intuitive, Good Humored, Balanced, Desire For Pleasure, Vitality, Sexual Satisfaction, Prosperity.
Excessive Energy In The Sacral Chakra:
Emotionally Explosive, Overly Ambitious, Manipulative, Caught Up In Illusions,
Overindulgent, Too Much Sexual Energy, See People As Sex Objects, Self Serving, Aggressive, Selfish, Arrogant, Lustful, Overly Proud or Conceited, Highly Strung Emotionally, Constantly Seeking Power.
Too Little Energy In The Sacral Chakra:
Shy, Timid, Immobilized By Fear, Overly Sensitive, Self Negating, Burdened By Guilt,
Sexual Energy-Clinging, Guilty About Having Sex, Abused, Frigid Or Impotent, Distrustful, Hides Emotions, Emotionally Hurt, Feelings of Guilt, Mistrustful of Others, Introverted, Unable to Show Emotions, Worrying About What Others Think, and Anti-Social.
Illnesses Related To The Sacral Chakra:
Kidney Weakness, Constipation, Muscle Cramps, Lack Of Energy, Allergies, Repression and Inhibition, Loss of Weight, Impotence, Frigidity, Uterine, Bladder or Kidney Trouble, Stiff Lower Back, Spasms, Insufficient Lactation, and Skin Problems, (for example, acne, eczema, etc.)
3: The Solar Plexus Chakra (The Third Chakra): Fire, Ego Identity, Oriented to self-definition
Healthy Solar Chakra:
Out Going, Respective of Self and Others, Skillful, Spontaneous, Cheerful, Open and Expressive, Intelligent, Strong Nerves, Self Confident, Flexible, Decisive, Logical, Creative, Eloquent, Self-Aware, Methodical, Efficient, Fulfilling Emotional Life, Expansive, Outgoing, Sociable Attitude Towards The World, Able To Feel The Sweetness of Life, Sense of Belonging, and Fitting in Perfectly in the Universe.
Excessive Energy In The Solar Chakra:
Overly Demanding, Workaholic, Perfectionist, Judgmental, Demanding, Needing Help to Relax, Rigid, Critical, Mentally Bullying, Absolutist, Always Planning and Never Manifesting, Stubborn, Needing Change, Contradictory, Verbose, Egotistical, Ruled by Ambition, Pride, Overly Concerned With Their Place in Life and Their Relation to Others; Crave The Company of Other People; Unable to Cope or Amuse Yourself On Your Own.
Too Little Energy In Solar Chakra:
Depression, Lack of Self Esteem, Blaming Others For Faults, Lack Confidence, Hurt Feelings, Confused, Poor Digestion, Fear of Failure, Poor Judgment, Apathy, Feeling Deprived of Recognition, Aloof, Feeling Isolated, Afraid To Learn Anything New, Psychosomatic Problems, Overwhelmed by Emotions, May Suffer From Delusions and/or Schizophrenia, Incapable of Show Pure and Raw Emotions , Anxiety, Panic, Worry, Closed to Spiritual Energies, Fear of Change, and Incapable of Opening To Greater Things in Life.
Illness Related To The Solar Chakra:
Ulcers, Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, Digestive Disorders, Flatulence, Food Allergies, Liver Problems, Hypo-Thyroid, Gallstones, Muscle Cramps, Nervous Disorders, Depression, Exhaustion And Respiratory Problems, Lymphatic Problems, Dispelling Fears, and Problems Building Bones.
4: The Heart Chakra (The Fourth Chakra): Air, Social identity, oriented to self-acceptance
Healthy Heart Chakra:
Compassionate, Empathetic, Humanitarian, Sees the Good in Everyone, Desires to Nurture Others , Friendly, Outgoing, In Touch with Feelings, Healthy Sexual Energy - Can Surrender and Merge in a Love Relationship, Patiently Waits for the Right Partner (Soul Mate), Healing, Adaptable, Generous, Pure, Gentle and Innocent, Forgiving , Exercises Unconditional Love, Easily Lets Go, Trusts, Is Emotionally Empowered, Confident , Inspirational, and Hopeful.
Excess of Energy In The Heart Chakra:
Demanding, Overly Critical, Possessive, Moody, Melodramatic, Manic-Depressive, Uses Money or Sex to Control Others, A Master of Conditional Love, for example, “I love you if you do this for me,” or, “I love you if you do that for me, Withholds Love in order to get a Certain Outcome, for example, “You wouldn't do that if you really loved me,” Jealousy, Mistrustfulness of the Life Process, Self Doubt, Blames Others, Angry, Stingy, Overconfident, and Manipulative.
Too Little Energy In The Heart Chakra:
Paranoid, Feeling Sorry for Yourself, Indecisive, Angry, Afraid of Letting Go, Feeling Unworthy of Love, Have Difficulty Reaching Out,, Terrified of Rejection, Needs Constant Reassurance, Insecure, Attitude of Coldness, Devoid of Compassion and Morality, Financial and Emotional Insecurities, Self Pity, Afraid of Letting Go and of Getting Hurt, Paranoia, Indecisive, Needing Constant Confirmation of Self Worth, Uncertain, Unable to Enforce Will, Self Doubting, Feeling Unloved.
Illnesses Related To The Heart Chakra:
Chronic Condition of the Heart, High Blood Pressure, Fatigue, Respiratory Difficulties, (for example, difficulty breathing, asthma, etc.,) Pain Throughout the Body caused by Tension, Insomnia,, Cancer, and Lung Diseases.
5: Throat Chakra (the Fifth Chakra): Sound, Creative identity, oriented to self-expression
Healthy Throat Chakra:
Contented, Centered, Lives in the Present Moment, Sense of Timing, Good Speaker, Artistic, Can Meditate and Experience Divine Energy, Creative Sexual Energy, Can Seek Bliss Through Meditation, Artistically Inspired, Easy Grasp of Spiritual Teachings, Sincere, Truthful, and Independent.
An Excess of Energy In The Throat Chakra:
Arrogant, Self-Righteous, Talks too much, Dogmatic, Addictive, Sexual Energy-Macho, Prefers Partners Who Can be Dominated, Gossips.
Too Little Energy In Throat Chakra:
Scared, Timid, Holds Back/Feels Restricted, Quiet, Inconsistent, Unreliable, Weak, Devious, Manipulative, Can't Express Thoughts, Sexual Energy-Can't Relax, Feeling Conflicted with Religious Upbringing, May be Afraid of Sex, Cannot Express Thoughts, Inconsistent, Dependent, Lack of Creative Expressions, Uses Knowledge Unwisely, Ignorant, Lacks Discernment, and Feels Suppressed or Swallowed Feelings.
Illness Related To The Throat Chakra:
Communication and/or Speech Problems, Thyroid and Immune System Problems, Sore Throat, Stiff Neck, Hearing Problems, Thyroid Problems, Frequent Colds.
6: Brow Chakra (The Sixth Chakra): Light, Archetypal identity, oriented to self-reflection
Healthy Brow Chakra:
Charismatic, Can Receive Guidance in all Forms, Unattached to Material Things, No Fear of Death, Master of The Self , The Knower of Wisdom Consciousness, Perceptive , Spiritually Energetic, Experience Cosmic Consciousness, Telepathic, Spirituality, and an Idealist.
Excessive Energy In The Brow Chakra:
Egomaniac, Proud, Manipulative, Religiously Dogmatic, Authoritarian, Cold, Mean, Ungracious, Bitter, Worrier, Fearful, Oversensitive, Impatient, “Spaced Out”, Belittling, and Condescending.
Too Little Energy In The Brow Chakra:
Non Assertive, Undisciplined, Oversensitive to the Feelings of Others, Afraid of Success, Schizophrenic (Unable to Distinguish between Ego Self and Higher Self), Doubting, Envious of Other's Talents, Confused Thoughts, Lack of Clarity, Psychic Exhaustion, Forgetfulness, Superstitious, Worrier.
Illnesses Related To The Brow Chakra:
Mental Illness, , Vision Problems such as blindness, eyestrain or blurred vision, , Headaches, Nightmares, Brain Tumors, Strokes, Seizures, Learning Disabilities, Spinal Dysfunctions, Panic Disorders, and Depression.
7: The Crown Chakra (The Seventh Chakra): Thought, Universal identity, oriented to self-knowledge
Attributes of a Healthy Crown Chakra:
Miracle Worker, Can Transcend the Laws of Nature, Total Access to the Subconscious, Connection to the Divine, Spirit Guides, Source of Spiritual Energy, Faithful, Peaceful, Refined, Joyful, Grateful, Lover of Beauty.
Excessive Energy In The Crown Chakra:
Constant Sense of Frustration, Unrealized Power, Psychotic, Manic-Depressive, Migraine Headaches, Destructive Sexual Expression, Sometimes Passionate, Sometimes Distant, Full of Despair, Problems of Alcohol, Egotistical, Intensely Erotic Imagination, Needing to Feel Popular and Indispensable, Needing Sympathy.
Too Little Energy In Crown Chakra:
No Spark of Joy, Catatonic, Difficulty Making Decisions, Lack of Memory, Diminished Concentration.
Illnesses Related To The Crown Chakra:
Physical ailments due to stress and worry, Hysteria, Right-Left Brain Imbalance, Headaches, Depression and other Mental Illnesses, Inability to Learn, Confusion, Apathy, Alienation, Boredom.
Chakra Oils
7th Crown: Myrrh, Lotus, Frankincense, Camphor
6th Head: Carnation, Lavender, Rosemary
5th Heart: Cedarwood, Mimosa, Rosemary, Clove
4th Throat: violet, Vanilla, Yland Yland, Eucalyptus
3rd Belly: Frankincense, Honeysuckle, Galangal, Lemon Verbena
2nd Spine: Orange, Oakmoss, Sandalwood.
1st Base: Civit, Muguet, Ambergris, Cinnamon, Musk
Chakra Balancing Oil: Lemon, Orange, Lavender, Myrrh, Clove
Healthy Root Chakra:
Grounded, Centered, Belonging, Pride, Fully Alive, Healthy, Able To Trust, Independent, Determined, Trusts In Self and Others, Secure, Patient, Constant, Ambitious, Passionate, Committed, Unlimited Physical Energy, Can Easily Manifest Abundance, and Survival.
Too Much Energy In The Root Chakra:
Greedy, Egotistical, Domineering, Bossy, Addicted To Wealth, Highly Strung, Hyperactive, Sadistic, Sexual Energy Entirely Genital, Addicted To Self, Violent, Dishonest, and Cunning.
Too Little Energy In The Root Chakra:
Can’t Reach Goals, Lack Of Confidence, Feels Unloved, Feels Unlovable, Not Grounded, Deficient Energy, Lacks Confidence, Suicidal, Weak Willed, Feels Sexually Inadequate,, Little Interest In Sex, Masochistic, Fearful, Frustrated, Alienated, and See Yourself As Being Separate from Everyone Else.
Illnesses Related To The Root Chakra:
Drug Addictions, Anemia, Cancer, Arthritis, Heart Disease, Gynecological Problems, Herpes, Weight Problems, Hemorrhoids, Degenerative Arthritis, Knee Troubles, Sciatica.
2: The Sacral Chakra(The Second Chakra): Water, Emotional identity, oriented to self-gratification
Healthy Sacral Chakra:
Friendly, Concerned For Others, Sense of Belonging, Intuitive, Clairsentient,
Good Sense of Humor, Radiate Warmth and Compassion, Friendly, Creative, Healthy, Intuitive, Good Humored, Balanced, Desire For Pleasure, Vitality, Sexual Satisfaction, Prosperity.
Excessive Energy In The Sacral Chakra:
Emotionally Explosive, Overly Ambitious, Manipulative, Caught Up In Illusions,
Overindulgent, Too Much Sexual Energy, See People As Sex Objects, Self Serving, Aggressive, Selfish, Arrogant, Lustful, Overly Proud or Conceited, Highly Strung Emotionally, Constantly Seeking Power.
Too Little Energy In The Sacral Chakra:
Shy, Timid, Immobilized By Fear, Overly Sensitive, Self Negating, Burdened By Guilt,
Sexual Energy-Clinging, Guilty About Having Sex, Abused, Frigid Or Impotent, Distrustful, Hides Emotions, Emotionally Hurt, Feelings of Guilt, Mistrustful of Others, Introverted, Unable to Show Emotions, Worrying About What Others Think, and Anti-Social.
Illnesses Related To The Sacral Chakra:
Kidney Weakness, Constipation, Muscle Cramps, Lack Of Energy, Allergies, Repression and Inhibition, Loss of Weight, Impotence, Frigidity, Uterine, Bladder or Kidney Trouble, Stiff Lower Back, Spasms, Insufficient Lactation, and Skin Problems, (for example, acne, eczema, etc.)
3: The Solar Plexus Chakra (The Third Chakra): Fire, Ego Identity, Oriented to self-definition
Healthy Solar Chakra:
Out Going, Respective of Self and Others, Skillful, Spontaneous, Cheerful, Open and Expressive, Intelligent, Strong Nerves, Self Confident, Flexible, Decisive, Logical, Creative, Eloquent, Self-Aware, Methodical, Efficient, Fulfilling Emotional Life, Expansive, Outgoing, Sociable Attitude Towards The World, Able To Feel The Sweetness of Life, Sense of Belonging, and Fitting in Perfectly in the Universe.
Excessive Energy In The Solar Chakra:
Overly Demanding, Workaholic, Perfectionist, Judgmental, Demanding, Needing Help to Relax, Rigid, Critical, Mentally Bullying, Absolutist, Always Planning and Never Manifesting, Stubborn, Needing Change, Contradictory, Verbose, Egotistical, Ruled by Ambition, Pride, Overly Concerned With Their Place in Life and Their Relation to Others; Crave The Company of Other People; Unable to Cope or Amuse Yourself On Your Own.
Too Little Energy In Solar Chakra:
Depression, Lack of Self Esteem, Blaming Others For Faults, Lack Confidence, Hurt Feelings, Confused, Poor Digestion, Fear of Failure, Poor Judgment, Apathy, Feeling Deprived of Recognition, Aloof, Feeling Isolated, Afraid To Learn Anything New, Psychosomatic Problems, Overwhelmed by Emotions, May Suffer From Delusions and/or Schizophrenia, Incapable of Show Pure and Raw Emotions , Anxiety, Panic, Worry, Closed to Spiritual Energies, Fear of Change, and Incapable of Opening To Greater Things in Life.
Illness Related To The Solar Chakra:
Ulcers, Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, Digestive Disorders, Flatulence, Food Allergies, Liver Problems, Hypo-Thyroid, Gallstones, Muscle Cramps, Nervous Disorders, Depression, Exhaustion And Respiratory Problems, Lymphatic Problems, Dispelling Fears, and Problems Building Bones.
4: The Heart Chakra (The Fourth Chakra): Air, Social identity, oriented to self-acceptance
Healthy Heart Chakra:
Compassionate, Empathetic, Humanitarian, Sees the Good in Everyone, Desires to Nurture Others , Friendly, Outgoing, In Touch with Feelings, Healthy Sexual Energy - Can Surrender and Merge in a Love Relationship, Patiently Waits for the Right Partner (Soul Mate), Healing, Adaptable, Generous, Pure, Gentle and Innocent, Forgiving , Exercises Unconditional Love, Easily Lets Go, Trusts, Is Emotionally Empowered, Confident , Inspirational, and Hopeful.
Excess of Energy In The Heart Chakra:
Demanding, Overly Critical, Possessive, Moody, Melodramatic, Manic-Depressive, Uses Money or Sex to Control Others, A Master of Conditional Love, for example, “I love you if you do this for me,” or, “I love you if you do that for me, Withholds Love in order to get a Certain Outcome, for example, “You wouldn't do that if you really loved me,” Jealousy, Mistrustfulness of the Life Process, Self Doubt, Blames Others, Angry, Stingy, Overconfident, and Manipulative.
Too Little Energy In The Heart Chakra:
Paranoid, Feeling Sorry for Yourself, Indecisive, Angry, Afraid of Letting Go, Feeling Unworthy of Love, Have Difficulty Reaching Out,, Terrified of Rejection, Needs Constant Reassurance, Insecure, Attitude of Coldness, Devoid of Compassion and Morality, Financial and Emotional Insecurities, Self Pity, Afraid of Letting Go and of Getting Hurt, Paranoia, Indecisive, Needing Constant Confirmation of Self Worth, Uncertain, Unable to Enforce Will, Self Doubting, Feeling Unloved.
Illnesses Related To The Heart Chakra:
Chronic Condition of the Heart, High Blood Pressure, Fatigue, Respiratory Difficulties, (for example, difficulty breathing, asthma, etc.,) Pain Throughout the Body caused by Tension, Insomnia,, Cancer, and Lung Diseases.
5: Throat Chakra (the Fifth Chakra): Sound, Creative identity, oriented to self-expression
Healthy Throat Chakra:
Contented, Centered, Lives in the Present Moment, Sense of Timing, Good Speaker, Artistic, Can Meditate and Experience Divine Energy, Creative Sexual Energy, Can Seek Bliss Through Meditation, Artistically Inspired, Easy Grasp of Spiritual Teachings, Sincere, Truthful, and Independent.
An Excess of Energy In The Throat Chakra:
Arrogant, Self-Righteous, Talks too much, Dogmatic, Addictive, Sexual Energy-Macho, Prefers Partners Who Can be Dominated, Gossips.
Too Little Energy In Throat Chakra:
Scared, Timid, Holds Back/Feels Restricted, Quiet, Inconsistent, Unreliable, Weak, Devious, Manipulative, Can't Express Thoughts, Sexual Energy-Can't Relax, Feeling Conflicted with Religious Upbringing, May be Afraid of Sex, Cannot Express Thoughts, Inconsistent, Dependent, Lack of Creative Expressions, Uses Knowledge Unwisely, Ignorant, Lacks Discernment, and Feels Suppressed or Swallowed Feelings.
Illness Related To The Throat Chakra:
Communication and/or Speech Problems, Thyroid and Immune System Problems, Sore Throat, Stiff Neck, Hearing Problems, Thyroid Problems, Frequent Colds.
6: Brow Chakra (The Sixth Chakra): Light, Archetypal identity, oriented to self-reflection
Healthy Brow Chakra:
Charismatic, Can Receive Guidance in all Forms, Unattached to Material Things, No Fear of Death, Master of The Self , The Knower of Wisdom Consciousness, Perceptive , Spiritually Energetic, Experience Cosmic Consciousness, Telepathic, Spirituality, and an Idealist.
Excessive Energy In The Brow Chakra:
Egomaniac, Proud, Manipulative, Religiously Dogmatic, Authoritarian, Cold, Mean, Ungracious, Bitter, Worrier, Fearful, Oversensitive, Impatient, “Spaced Out”, Belittling, and Condescending.
Too Little Energy In The Brow Chakra:
Non Assertive, Undisciplined, Oversensitive to the Feelings of Others, Afraid of Success, Schizophrenic (Unable to Distinguish between Ego Self and Higher Self), Doubting, Envious of Other's Talents, Confused Thoughts, Lack of Clarity, Psychic Exhaustion, Forgetfulness, Superstitious, Worrier.
Illnesses Related To The Brow Chakra:
Mental Illness, , Vision Problems such as blindness, eyestrain or blurred vision, , Headaches, Nightmares, Brain Tumors, Strokes, Seizures, Learning Disabilities, Spinal Dysfunctions, Panic Disorders, and Depression.
7: The Crown Chakra (The Seventh Chakra): Thought, Universal identity, oriented to self-knowledge
Attributes of a Healthy Crown Chakra:
Miracle Worker, Can Transcend the Laws of Nature, Total Access to the Subconscious, Connection to the Divine, Spirit Guides, Source of Spiritual Energy, Faithful, Peaceful, Refined, Joyful, Grateful, Lover of Beauty.
Excessive Energy In The Crown Chakra:
Constant Sense of Frustration, Unrealized Power, Psychotic, Manic-Depressive, Migraine Headaches, Destructive Sexual Expression, Sometimes Passionate, Sometimes Distant, Full of Despair, Problems of Alcohol, Egotistical, Intensely Erotic Imagination, Needing to Feel Popular and Indispensable, Needing Sympathy.
Too Little Energy In Crown Chakra:
No Spark of Joy, Catatonic, Difficulty Making Decisions, Lack of Memory, Diminished Concentration.
Illnesses Related To The Crown Chakra:
Physical ailments due to stress and worry, Hysteria, Right-Left Brain Imbalance, Headaches, Depression and other Mental Illnesses, Inability to Learn, Confusion, Apathy, Alienation, Boredom.
Chakra Oils
7th Crown: Myrrh, Lotus, Frankincense, Camphor
6th Head: Carnation, Lavender, Rosemary
5th Heart: Cedarwood, Mimosa, Rosemary, Clove
4th Throat: violet, Vanilla, Yland Yland, Eucalyptus
3rd Belly: Frankincense, Honeysuckle, Galangal, Lemon Verbena
2nd Spine: Orange, Oakmoss, Sandalwood.
1st Base: Civit, Muguet, Ambergris, Cinnamon, Musk
Chakra Balancing Oil: Lemon, Orange, Lavender, Myrrh, Clove