The 11 Montenegro Palo Deities
1. Zarabanda:
The Spirit of Zarabanda is the divine messenger of the underworld. It is through the spirit Zarabanda that mankind can communicate directly to the spirit world. The Caldron contains all the elements necessary for the spirit of Zarabanda to manifest and operate on earth. The Spiritual caldron is a microscopic world and a doorway to another dimension. Zarabanda is the driving force behind innovation, technology and also ambition. His work ethic, determination, and raw masculine power are both rightly revered and intensely feared. Zarabanda is the god of iron, roads, and war. As the god iron, Zarabanda is the keeper of the knife, and all manner of bloodletting belong to him in some form; whether it is to heal like a surgeon’s scalpel or to kill like a soldier’s dagger. With his knife, Zarabanda separates the useful from the useless, and discerns true from false. Zarabanda is also called the devourer of evil. Zarabanda is an unconquerable force of power that can break any curse, lift any hex, and exorcise any evil spirit. Zarabanda fiercely protects his children, and should be called upon for any protection needs, or triumph over any adversaries be they physical or occult. All of his offerings should be taken to the railroad tracks. Zarabanda favors plantains, rum, cigars, machetes and the colors of green, black and coral.
2. El Christo Negro:
El Christo Negro is the Lord and King of the underworld. All Spirits of Palo Mayombe must bow before him. He is represented as the crucified black Christ. He is symbolized as a black Rooster and also Crows
3. Los Espiritus Intranquilos:
Los Espiritus Intranquilos or “the seven tranquil spirits” are used in many rituals and spells common in Mexico and Central American witch craft. The “In-tranquil Spirit” is called on as a single entity in order to force a lover who has left to return. The In-tranquil Spirit is not one entity but actually encompasses all damned earth-bound souls who wander the world without rest and without peace. When a Palero receives the seven tranquil spirits he/she is empowered to work with very strong cemetery spirits who can assist in black magic spells.
4. Santisima Muerte:
La Santisima Muerte is the goddess of the cemetery and of death. Her powers and her historical origin and be traced back to the pre-Aztec era. Santisima Muerte is the chief spiritual force used by Mexican spiritualist and witches for a variety of different types of magical work. Santisima Muerte is associated with healing, protection, and safe delivery to the afterlife by her devotees. Santisima Muerte is a very jealous spirit. Santisima Muerte and El Christo Negro work very well together.
5. San Simon:
San Simon is a very powerful spiritual force in the world of Palo Mayombe and Central American black magic. San Simon is the keeper of Law and Divine Justice. When you become initiated into San Simon Mysteries, you receive the power of knowledge and the secrets of divine justice. Devotees believe that prayers for revenge, or success (at the expense of others), are likely to be granted by San Simon. San Simon is the most powerful spirit that a Central American black magician can be initiated into. The initiation gives the individual the power of invisibility from the law.
6. El Cristo Rey:
El Christo Ray is the lord of this world. He is direct contact between man and your higher self (God/Goddess). He is associated with spells of Divine Justice, harvest, and fertility and healing. El Christo Rey is called on to reverse witchcraft and also for spiritual alignment. El Cristo Rey give you great healing powers. Telepathy and gives you the power to work with so-called “white light” spirits. El Christo Rey can be called on to heal terminally ill individuals.
7. Madre De La Luna:
The Madre De La Luna is the mother of the moon and the Los Brujos De Las Noches (Witches of the Night). She is most identified in Mexican Witchcraft as Nuestra Senora De La Luna. The initiation ceremony never takes place unless there is a full moon. During the initiation, the initiate will receive a sacred knife which contains the power to the mysteries of Madre De La Luna. The knife is a powerful amulet for performing love spells. Without this knife, an individual consecrated in mysteries of Madre De La Luna is powerless. She is identified as an Owl.
8. Madre De Agua:
Madre De Agua is one of the most powerful spirits in traditional Palo Mayombe. The Powerful Madre De Agua is known in Palo Mayombe to posses the secrets to a strong love and money magic. With Madre De Agua it is said you can have anyone you desire as a lover. Madre Agua is the Sea Goddess and ruler of motherhood. She is considered a very gentle and loving force and the possessor of great healing powers. Madre Agua is the patroness of children as well as their mothers. She can bring great wealth and blessings to those she favors. Madre Agua loves sea shells, fans and all things associated with the sea. All of her offerings should be taken to the ocean or a lake when the ocean cannot be reached. She favors the colors of blue, coral and crystal. She is also used in many other powerful magical works.
9. La Santisima Piedra Iman:
La Santisima Piedra Iman is another powerful spirit in traditional Palo Mayombe. The power of this spirit is used in both so-called “black” and “white” magic. This spirit is used to attract money and wealth. This spirit is used by many Latin business men to achieve tremendous wealth and prosperity.
10. Francisco De Los Siete Rayos:
Francisco De Los Siete Rayos (Francisco of the Seven Rays) is one of the ancient spirits of the Caribbean Palo Mayombe. This Spirit sits on the mysteries of the four winds, and is the ruler of thunder (known as 7 thunders,) lightning, and fire. He is a daring fighter and a nasty rival but can also be charming and crafty. He deals with justice and sexual passions in the male. All of his offerings should be taken to the woods. Justice from Siete Rayos is swift and sudden. He favors bananas, red wine, and the colors of red and white. The skull and horns of a large ram is a favored item in his Prenda.
11. Mama Chola:
Mama Chola is a powerful female spirit used for spells of love and fertility. This is one of the traditional spirits received in the practice of Palo Mayombe from the Caribbean. Mama Chola is a beautiful and powerful witch who rules the river, beauty, and money. She is sensuality, sexuality and gracefulness. Mama Chola is the power of two things coming together. All of her offerings should be taken to a river. Mirrors, peacock feathers, honey, eggs, white wine and mimosa are some of her favorite things and she favors the colors of amber, yellow and orange.
1. Zarabanda:
The Spirit of Zarabanda is the divine messenger of the underworld. It is through the spirit Zarabanda that mankind can communicate directly to the spirit world. The Caldron contains all the elements necessary for the spirit of Zarabanda to manifest and operate on earth. The Spiritual caldron is a microscopic world and a doorway to another dimension. Zarabanda is the driving force behind innovation, technology and also ambition. His work ethic, determination, and raw masculine power are both rightly revered and intensely feared. Zarabanda is the god of iron, roads, and war. As the god iron, Zarabanda is the keeper of the knife, and all manner of bloodletting belong to him in some form; whether it is to heal like a surgeon’s scalpel or to kill like a soldier’s dagger. With his knife, Zarabanda separates the useful from the useless, and discerns true from false. Zarabanda is also called the devourer of evil. Zarabanda is an unconquerable force of power that can break any curse, lift any hex, and exorcise any evil spirit. Zarabanda fiercely protects his children, and should be called upon for any protection needs, or triumph over any adversaries be they physical or occult. All of his offerings should be taken to the railroad tracks. Zarabanda favors plantains, rum, cigars, machetes and the colors of green, black and coral.
2. El Christo Negro:
El Christo Negro is the Lord and King of the underworld. All Spirits of Palo Mayombe must bow before him. He is represented as the crucified black Christ. He is symbolized as a black Rooster and also Crows
3. Los Espiritus Intranquilos:
Los Espiritus Intranquilos or “the seven tranquil spirits” are used in many rituals and spells common in Mexico and Central American witch craft. The “In-tranquil Spirit” is called on as a single entity in order to force a lover who has left to return. The In-tranquil Spirit is not one entity but actually encompasses all damned earth-bound souls who wander the world without rest and without peace. When a Palero receives the seven tranquil spirits he/she is empowered to work with very strong cemetery spirits who can assist in black magic spells.
4. Santisima Muerte:
La Santisima Muerte is the goddess of the cemetery and of death. Her powers and her historical origin and be traced back to the pre-Aztec era. Santisima Muerte is the chief spiritual force used by Mexican spiritualist and witches for a variety of different types of magical work. Santisima Muerte is associated with healing, protection, and safe delivery to the afterlife by her devotees. Santisima Muerte is a very jealous spirit. Santisima Muerte and El Christo Negro work very well together.
5. San Simon:
San Simon is a very powerful spiritual force in the world of Palo Mayombe and Central American black magic. San Simon is the keeper of Law and Divine Justice. When you become initiated into San Simon Mysteries, you receive the power of knowledge and the secrets of divine justice. Devotees believe that prayers for revenge, or success (at the expense of others), are likely to be granted by San Simon. San Simon is the most powerful spirit that a Central American black magician can be initiated into. The initiation gives the individual the power of invisibility from the law.
6. El Cristo Rey:
El Christo Ray is the lord of this world. He is direct contact between man and your higher self (God/Goddess). He is associated with spells of Divine Justice, harvest, and fertility and healing. El Christo Rey is called on to reverse witchcraft and also for spiritual alignment. El Cristo Rey give you great healing powers. Telepathy and gives you the power to work with so-called “white light” spirits. El Christo Rey can be called on to heal terminally ill individuals.
7. Madre De La Luna:
The Madre De La Luna is the mother of the moon and the Los Brujos De Las Noches (Witches of the Night). She is most identified in Mexican Witchcraft as Nuestra Senora De La Luna. The initiation ceremony never takes place unless there is a full moon. During the initiation, the initiate will receive a sacred knife which contains the power to the mysteries of Madre De La Luna. The knife is a powerful amulet for performing love spells. Without this knife, an individual consecrated in mysteries of Madre De La Luna is powerless. She is identified as an Owl.
8. Madre De Agua:
Madre De Agua is one of the most powerful spirits in traditional Palo Mayombe. The Powerful Madre De Agua is known in Palo Mayombe to posses the secrets to a strong love and money magic. With Madre De Agua it is said you can have anyone you desire as a lover. Madre Agua is the Sea Goddess and ruler of motherhood. She is considered a very gentle and loving force and the possessor of great healing powers. Madre Agua is the patroness of children as well as their mothers. She can bring great wealth and blessings to those she favors. Madre Agua loves sea shells, fans and all things associated with the sea. All of her offerings should be taken to the ocean or a lake when the ocean cannot be reached. She favors the colors of blue, coral and crystal. She is also used in many other powerful magical works.
9. La Santisima Piedra Iman:
La Santisima Piedra Iman is another powerful spirit in traditional Palo Mayombe. The power of this spirit is used in both so-called “black” and “white” magic. This spirit is used to attract money and wealth. This spirit is used by many Latin business men to achieve tremendous wealth and prosperity.
10. Francisco De Los Siete Rayos:
Francisco De Los Siete Rayos (Francisco of the Seven Rays) is one of the ancient spirits of the Caribbean Palo Mayombe. This Spirit sits on the mysteries of the four winds, and is the ruler of thunder (known as 7 thunders,) lightning, and fire. He is a daring fighter and a nasty rival but can also be charming and crafty. He deals with justice and sexual passions in the male. All of his offerings should be taken to the woods. Justice from Siete Rayos is swift and sudden. He favors bananas, red wine, and the colors of red and white. The skull and horns of a large ram is a favored item in his Prenda.
11. Mama Chola:
Mama Chola is a powerful female spirit used for spells of love and fertility. This is one of the traditional spirits received in the practice of Palo Mayombe from the Caribbean. Mama Chola is a beautiful and powerful witch who rules the river, beauty, and money. She is sensuality, sexuality and gracefulness. Mama Chola is the power of two things coming together. All of her offerings should be taken to a river. Mirrors, peacock feathers, honey, eggs, white wine and mimosa are some of her favorite things and she favors the colors of amber, yellow and orange.