means “Serpent” in the Vedic Sanskrit. The Hindu Naga Serpent Gods of India are mention in the “Upanishad Texts”, Nagini for the feminine. Indian Serpent Ruler, son of Kadru (Kedar in Hebrew means Black). In ancient .. .. India.. .. , the people with the blackest skins were respected and held to high esteem; original, first or primary. The Nagas ruled .. India.. as well as a substantial portion of Asia from Arabia to .. China.. and the South Pacific, as well as the .. Indian Ocean.. region. There are a few definitions of the Naga but the origin is the Naga serpent, or the Naga’s a race of serpent like people from Hindu and Buddhist mythology. The word Naga comes from the Sanskrit and nag is still the word for snake, especially the cobra, in most of the languages of .. .. India.. .. . The Naga is referring to the people who have full access to the Kundalini energy. Kundalini being a serpentine force, to be honored with being called a Naga is to be wise as the serpent. Matthew 10:16 verse “Be ye therefore wise as Serpents, yet gentle as doves.” Note that the Snake (Serpent Spirit) has been a symbol of wisdom since the metaphysical story of Adam and Eve. It’s the wise Serpent who offered them the fruit of knowledge. Also attach to the wise Nag serpent is eternal healing, mystery, magical power, and holiness throughout most of the ancient non-western world.
It’s the represents the power of life death resurrection. It’s used in everything from sex potions to drugs to kill cancer, life and death. .Its poison can kill and used to heal, is shed its skin as a symbol of resurrection. It’s a symbol of all the four elements water, air, earth and fire. The wise serpent lives in water and also in the earth, the poison is fire and the movement in “S” form is the same way waves move across air. Its symbol is used today in medicine, and other healing professions in the form of the Caduceus, and its live descendants are hailed as sacred and used in everything from cancer drugs to sex potions. Other words related to the Naga or Nag:
Naga-raj: King of cobras
Naga-rjuna: A Baudha Saint
Nag-eena: Gem of Ring, Diamond, great
Nag-endra: Lord Shiva
Nag-esh: Lord Shiva, Lord of snakes
Nag-eshwar: Airawat, Sheshnaag
Nag-eshwaran: Lord Snake
Nag-mani: Lord Krishna, Snake's Gem
Nag-pal: Protector of Snakes
Nag-pati: Master of Snakes
Nag-raj: Sheshnaag, Snake king
Nag-ulan: Witty
.. Niger.. and Niger-ia: are two countries in .. Africa.. . The words “.. .. Niger.. .. ” means in Ibo “King (emperor)” and “Niger-ia” means “Queen (empress).”..
Negro: is a Spanish word meaning “Black.” Negro is closely connected to the word Necro, a Greek word, which means “Dead.” “Black” and “dead” is also derived from Naga the “Black Serpent”. In other languages such as Italian, northern dialects still use
Negher to refer to “black.” Neger in Dutch and German had the same meaning. In the .. .. Netherlands.. .. ,
Neger is generally not considered a slur, but in German the word has fallen out of use. Negro is the preferred polite term for a black person, in contemporary Portuguese. In French, Nègre was the word generally used in the 19th century and earlier times to describe black persons of African origin, or, sometimes, African slaves. It now too is considered as a racist word, and the word noir (black) is always used instead... .. ..
Negger: “Golden One” in ancient Kemit. Negger is another form of the god “Geb also referred to as Seb and Keb. This god was the personification of the earth, and indeed this is what his name means earth, and thus it was said that when he laughed, it caused earthquakes. The feminine version would be the goose that laid the golden egg reference to the universe being an egg before the big bang. Also Mother Goose would be a way later version of Geb. Geb is prosperity because of the association with fatness, and pregnancy, cosmic egg and so forth, the individual glyph became used as the word for goose represented as a black goose, where black represented the fertile soil and also the people of the land, The Negger’s. It is also a termed for the King-Initiate which keeps its connection to Naga the Serpent King/ Queen. Literally translated Arnold Schwarzenegger (German) Schwarz = Black or Black-Negger...
.. .. Niger.. .. : is a masculine derivative of the ancient Kamite word
Ngu, which means Serpent King. It is a title of the Kamite King, Pharaoh or Priest.
Niger-ia is a feminine derivative of the ancient Kamite word Nga, (Naga) which means "Serpent Queen." It is a title of the Egyptian Queen; this title was given to those who have mastered the Uraeus power. When you see an Egyptian headdress which has a snake on the top of it, you are looking a Uraeus crown. Seen in most hieroglyphs as an upright form of an spitting cobra, used as a symbol of sovereignty, royalty, deity and divine authority in ancient Kemit. Uraeus is obvious reference to the Kundalini energy.
.. Niger.. II: officially the .. Republic.. of .. Niger.. is a landlocked country in Western Africa, named after the .. Niger River.. . It borders .. Nigeria.. and .. Benin.. to the south, .. Burkina Faso.. and .. Mali.. to the west, .. Algeria.. and .. Libya.. to the north and .. .. Chad.. .. to the east. The capital city is .. .. Niamey.. .. .
.. Nigeria.. : (country in .. West Africa.. ).
Ngosi: blessing (.. .. Ibo.. , .. Nigeria.. ..
Naga-saki: A Japanese city destroyed by an atomic bomb in 1945, by the .. .. U.S... .. and it means “Serpent Spirit” or “Serpent Life-Force.”..
Nig-gina: is the Mesopotamian word for “Justice.” .. ..
Nig-sisa: is the Mesopotamian word for “Righteousness.”
Uru-niggina-kiagga: in .. .. Babylon.. .. means the “City which Loves Truth.”
Uru-niggina-sisa: in .. Babylon.. means the “City of .. .. Truth.. .. and Justice.”
Uru-nigerim-hulgig: in .. .. Babylon.. .. , means the “City which Hates Evil...
Ngola: (Manding-Congo) = "King/Lord"..
Nega Negast: An Ethiopian word which, means Serpent King of Kings.
The Kebra Negast, also called the “Book of the Glory of Kings of Ethiopia,” has been in existence for at least a thousand years, it contains the true history of the origin of the Solomonic line of kings in .. .. Ethiopia.. .. .
Negus (King) The Kebra Negast is often referred to as the Rastafarian Bible. It was handed down from generation to generation orally, in Rastafarian and West Indian culture. It contains a mix of the history and traditions of the Ethiopia Orthodox faith. It documents the descent of the Ethiopian royal lineage from King David to Emperor Haile Selassie...
Nag Hammadi: is an ancient Aramaic and Hebrew scripture which means “The Serpent Black Guide.” Origin of the gospels and you can study them today if you research anything on Gnosticism.
Nibiru: Sumerian, the Golden Light (Auric Halo). This golden light connected to the Lead to gold you hear so much about in Alchemy which is an internal process. Those who call themselves Naga understood their royal connection and there mastery of the most advanced transformation process on planet earth called alchemy. So much so they named themselves after that fact.
Nibiru, to the Babylonians, was the celestial body associated with the god Murduke. The name is Akkadian and also means “crossing place” or “place of transition”, which is connected to the transformation of alchemy. In most Babylonian texts it is identified with the planet Jupiter. In 1976 Zecharia Sitchin wrote a book called The Twelfth Planet or Nibiru by Sitchin and Eldem. Nibiru in Sumerian tablets referred to an undiscovered 12th Planet or Planet X. Unlike the other planets in our solar system, Nibiru allegedly has an elliptical orbit and moves clockwise rather than counterclockwise. Nibiru's orbit passes through our solar system only once every 3,600 years, which is equal to one Nibiruan year. This controversial theory is based on Mr. Sitchin's interpretation of ancient Sumerian texts and cuneiform tablets, having its origins in the Bible, the book of Genesis. Sitchin has spent decades as an archeologist and historian researching ancient writings from the Sumerian civilization and putting them into his five-part paperback series.
Ndaba: (Manding-Congo/South Africa) =A council of wise people, kings, chiefs.
Netjer: is the Medu origin of the word Nigger, which means “God”, God of wisdom or force of nature. Medu Netjer is also the origin of the word “Mother Nature.” Netjer, a Kemetic word meaning “divine power,” is the one self- created deity which manifests in myriads of forms as the many forms of god/goddess manifest in nature. Each of the aspects is separate, but each remains a part of the whole. The word for divinity that they used to represent the sum of all the names of the gods and goddesses is “NTR”, pronounced “Net-jer”, this word means simply means God...
Nergal: is “the Healer” in the Sumerian lore. In ancient Sumeria, the Anunnaki which are also called Sun Serpents, The Heavenly Serpent, or The Serpent and the Rainbow, were the Serpents kings. Take for instance the Naki in the word Anunnaki. As in one of the chief Sumerian gods Enki, (connected to the Naki) “en” is translated as a title equivalent to lord; also a title given to the High Priest; “ki” which means earth; (connected to Geb the black goose). Naki is also connected “Nake” in s-NAKE) name for the Initiates of Chaldea, corresponding to the Nagas or “Snake-Kings.”..
Shub-Niggar-uth: is an ancient Sumerian name for God, called later in Latin called Pan. It is a reference to the constellation Sirius. Shub-Niggurath; often associated with the phrase “The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young”. Also is sometimes referred to as “The Black Ram of The Forest with a Thousand Ew.” The Black Goat is a personification of Pan.
Nakiel: another name of the Arch-angel Uriel. Naki-el in Hebrew means “Serpent of God,” or “Knowledge of God,” or” fire of God.” In The Book of Adam and Eve he presides over repentance. He’s is the dark angel who wrestled with Jacob at Peniel (Pineal Gland). The Magus claims that alchemy was brought down to earth by him...
Abe-Naki: “Father Serpent”, a name of an Indigenous people in .. .. America.. .. or the so-called Native Americans. The Abenaki also Wabanaki, meaning people of the dawn, are a tribe of Native Americans/First Nations belonging to the Algonquian peoples of the Northeast portion of .. North America.. .
Nuga-rmar-ta and Nago-mina: establishers of civilizations in .. Ghana.. and .. .. Mali.. .. that existed in the area before 1000 B.C.E...
Naba: In the Mossi tribe King is currently called “Naga”, which is “Naba,” which later developed into “Nuba” or “.. .. Nubia.. .. .” Nahsi is another word for “Nubian.”
Nebo: the Babylonian word or the Biblical Hebrew word “Nebo.” Hebrew-Assyrian word “Nebo” means “Prophet” or “Eye” as in the “All-Seeing Eye.” “Nebo or Nabu” means prophet, proclaimer. The Babylonian “Nebo” is the heavenly scribe. In Star Wars the Phantom Menace the princess Padme Amidala home world was Naboo an obvious play on them being Babylonian. Jar-Jar Binks is a “Gungun” The Gungans resemble Hadrosaurs, A type of dinosaur. This is a representation of the reptilian Kundalini serpent life force. They lived under the water and the Naboo live above ground. The gunguns are the primal life force and Amidala’s people are the transformed version of the, beauty and the beast. When she meets with their king she tells them that they always lived together in peace and how they need each other to survive. Pointing out the higher and lover self coming together...
Nakir: Is a black angel in Mohammedan lore...
Nabi: is the Arabic equivalent, which means “Master of Knowledge” and is derived from the ancient Kama'atu (Egyptian) word “.. .. Neb... .. ” meaning Gold. .. .. Neb.. .. (Serpent) spelt backwards is “Ben,” short for “Ben Ben,” meaning Source, Spring or Phoenix-Bird or "Serpent in the Sky").
Naga-raj: means “King of Serpents, Serpent King.” Nagaraj or Nagraj is a common Indian surname. .. .. ..
Naga-bhushan: means “One who wears Snakes as ornaments of Shiva.”
Nag-endra: means "King of Snakes." Means “lord of snakes” from Sanskrit Naga or again snake. The Nag is combined with the “Endra,” is the Hindu god Indra, used here to mean “lord”. This is a word used in Hindu texts to refer to a large snake...
Nag-esh: “Snake in Man,” which is a reference to the Kundalini serpent force sleeping in the garden at the base of your spine.
Naga Kanya: “Snake of the Rainbow.” The Naga Kanya is a Seven-headed Cobra, a counterpart of the God Vishnu. Naga-rjuna of .. .. India.. .. is shown with a golden aura, or halo, of Seven Serpents that is an indication of a very high degree of Initiation. The symbolism of the Seven Serpents is a reference to the (Seven Chakras)...
Naga Lakshmi: “Queen of Snakes.”
Naga-mani: “Mind of Serpents.” Some of the earliest legends describe The Naga women who turn from human to snake at will, aided by a jewel embedded in their forehead which is the pineal gland or third eye. This is a myth, referencing the power of the rising Kundalini.
Nagal: “Serpent-God” and is the title of the medicine men, magicians and initiates in ancient .. .. Mexico.. .. , Central and South American Indigenous civilizations. Nagal means a “Teacher, Serpent-God, Chief”, In Uruguay...
Naggai: is Hebrew and it means “giving light, shining, brilliant, illuminating, enlightening, luminous intelligence...
Nachash: is Hebrew and means “Serpent.” Nachash, is the serpent that spoke to the woman in the Garden of Eden. The Hebrew word Nachash is translated to “shine” as in golden aura, illumination of full Kundalini. Also means whisper (as in enchantment) Nachash is the Shining enchanter. He was also shrewd, cunning, smooth, slick higher intelligence...
Nazarene: (Nasarene, Naaserene, Nazirite or Nazarite) is a Hebrew (Het-Heru) word which means Aide, Helper or Friend; also means a native or resident of .. .. Nazareth.. .. . Nazirite or Nazarite The German word Nazi, the German fascist party controlled under Hitler in 1933 to 1945, is also derived from the Hebrew word Nazi-r or Nazi-rite.
Naas: (gnosis) and this is the realm of the People or those made from mud “Black mud” (melanin)...
Naga-Krita: (Chinese are from the Ngu-African descent), Chinese are even said to have originated with the Serpent demi-gods. In .. .. China.. .. , the Naga is given the form of the Dragon, also called the “Dragon Spirit” the Emperor-King and is known as the “Son of Heaven.”..
Naga-rjuna: called in Tibetan, Lu-trub, “The God-Serpents”. In .. .. Tibet.. .. , they are still known in a symbolic sense and are called “Lu (Dragon).”..
Nahua: is a Mexican word which means “Serpent.”
Ngola: (.. .. Angola.. .. ) means “King” in the Angolan languages...
Negus: (Nee-goos) Ethiopian term for Emperor...
..Niger.. .. : Roman/Latin term for Black or Negro
Negre: French for Negro or Black
Negro: Spanish for Black
means “Serpent” in the Vedic Sanskrit. The Hindu Naga Serpent Gods of India are mention in the “Upanishad Texts”, Nagini for the feminine. Indian Serpent Ruler, son of Kadru (Kedar in Hebrew means Black). In ancient .. .. India.. .. , the people with the blackest skins were respected and held to high esteem; original, first or primary. The Nagas ruled .. India.. as well as a substantial portion of Asia from Arabia to .. China.. and the South Pacific, as well as the .. Indian Ocean.. region. There are a few definitions of the Naga but the origin is the Naga serpent, or the Naga’s a race of serpent like people from Hindu and Buddhist mythology. The word Naga comes from the Sanskrit and nag is still the word for snake, especially the cobra, in most of the languages of .. .. India.. .. . The Naga is referring to the people who have full access to the Kundalini energy. Kundalini being a serpentine force, to be honored with being called a Naga is to be wise as the serpent. Matthew 10:16 verse “Be ye therefore wise as Serpents, yet gentle as doves.” Note that the Snake (Serpent Spirit) has been a symbol of wisdom since the metaphysical story of Adam and Eve. It’s the wise Serpent who offered them the fruit of knowledge. Also attach to the wise Nag serpent is eternal healing, mystery, magical power, and holiness throughout most of the ancient non-western world.
It’s the represents the power of life death resurrection. It’s used in everything from sex potions to drugs to kill cancer, life and death. .Its poison can kill and used to heal, is shed its skin as a symbol of resurrection. It’s a symbol of all the four elements water, air, earth and fire. The wise serpent lives in water and also in the earth, the poison is fire and the movement in “S” form is the same way waves move across air. Its symbol is used today in medicine, and other healing professions in the form of the Caduceus, and its live descendants are hailed as sacred and used in everything from cancer drugs to sex potions. Other words related to the Naga or Nag:
Naga-raj: King of cobras
Naga-rjuna: A Baudha Saint
Nag-eena: Gem of Ring, Diamond, great
Nag-endra: Lord Shiva
Nag-esh: Lord Shiva, Lord of snakes
Nag-eshwar: Airawat, Sheshnaag
Nag-eshwaran: Lord Snake
Nag-mani: Lord Krishna, Snake's Gem
Nag-pal: Protector of Snakes
Nag-pati: Master of Snakes
Nag-raj: Sheshnaag, Snake king
Nag-ulan: Witty
.. Niger.. and Niger-ia: are two countries in .. Africa.. . The words “.. .. Niger.. .. ” means in Ibo “King (emperor)” and “Niger-ia” means “Queen (empress).”..
Negro: is a Spanish word meaning “Black.” Negro is closely connected to the word Necro, a Greek word, which means “Dead.” “Black” and “dead” is also derived from Naga the “Black Serpent”. In other languages such as Italian, northern dialects still use
Negher to refer to “black.” Neger in Dutch and German had the same meaning. In the .. .. Netherlands.. .. ,
Neger is generally not considered a slur, but in German the word has fallen out of use. Negro is the preferred polite term for a black person, in contemporary Portuguese. In French, Nègre was the word generally used in the 19th century and earlier times to describe black persons of African origin, or, sometimes, African slaves. It now too is considered as a racist word, and the word noir (black) is always used instead... .. ..
Negger: “Golden One” in ancient Kemit. Negger is another form of the god “Geb also referred to as Seb and Keb. This god was the personification of the earth, and indeed this is what his name means earth, and thus it was said that when he laughed, it caused earthquakes. The feminine version would be the goose that laid the golden egg reference to the universe being an egg before the big bang. Also Mother Goose would be a way later version of Geb. Geb is prosperity because of the association with fatness, and pregnancy, cosmic egg and so forth, the individual glyph became used as the word for goose represented as a black goose, where black represented the fertile soil and also the people of the land, The Negger’s. It is also a termed for the King-Initiate which keeps its connection to Naga the Serpent King/ Queen. Literally translated Arnold Schwarzenegger (German) Schwarz = Black or Black-Negger...
.. .. Niger.. .. : is a masculine derivative of the ancient Kamite word
Ngu, which means Serpent King. It is a title of the Kamite King, Pharaoh or Priest.
Niger-ia is a feminine derivative of the ancient Kamite word Nga, (Naga) which means "Serpent Queen." It is a title of the Egyptian Queen; this title was given to those who have mastered the Uraeus power. When you see an Egyptian headdress which has a snake on the top of it, you are looking a Uraeus crown. Seen in most hieroglyphs as an upright form of an spitting cobra, used as a symbol of sovereignty, royalty, deity and divine authority in ancient Kemit. Uraeus is obvious reference to the Kundalini energy.
.. Niger.. II: officially the .. Republic.. of .. Niger.. is a landlocked country in Western Africa, named after the .. Niger River.. . It borders .. Nigeria.. and .. Benin.. to the south, .. Burkina Faso.. and .. Mali.. to the west, .. Algeria.. and .. Libya.. to the north and .. .. Chad.. .. to the east. The capital city is .. .. Niamey.. .. .
.. Nigeria.. : (country in .. West Africa.. ).
Ngosi: blessing (.. .. Ibo.. , .. Nigeria.. ..
Naga-saki: A Japanese city destroyed by an atomic bomb in 1945, by the .. .. U.S... .. and it means “Serpent Spirit” or “Serpent Life-Force.”..
Nig-gina: is the Mesopotamian word for “Justice.” .. ..
Nig-sisa: is the Mesopotamian word for “Righteousness.”
Uru-niggina-kiagga: in .. .. Babylon.. .. means the “City which Loves Truth.”
Uru-niggina-sisa: in .. Babylon.. means the “City of .. .. Truth.. .. and Justice.”
Uru-nigerim-hulgig: in .. .. Babylon.. .. , means the “City which Hates Evil...
Ngola: (Manding-Congo) = "King/Lord"..
Nega Negast: An Ethiopian word which, means Serpent King of Kings.
The Kebra Negast, also called the “Book of the Glory of Kings of Ethiopia,” has been in existence for at least a thousand years, it contains the true history of the origin of the Solomonic line of kings in .. .. Ethiopia.. .. .
Negus (King) The Kebra Negast is often referred to as the Rastafarian Bible. It was handed down from generation to generation orally, in Rastafarian and West Indian culture. It contains a mix of the history and traditions of the Ethiopia Orthodox faith. It documents the descent of the Ethiopian royal lineage from King David to Emperor Haile Selassie...
Nag Hammadi: is an ancient Aramaic and Hebrew scripture which means “The Serpent Black Guide.” Origin of the gospels and you can study them today if you research anything on Gnosticism.
Nibiru: Sumerian, the Golden Light (Auric Halo). This golden light connected to the Lead to gold you hear so much about in Alchemy which is an internal process. Those who call themselves Naga understood their royal connection and there mastery of the most advanced transformation process on planet earth called alchemy. So much so they named themselves after that fact.
Nibiru, to the Babylonians, was the celestial body associated with the god Murduke. The name is Akkadian and also means “crossing place” or “place of transition”, which is connected to the transformation of alchemy. In most Babylonian texts it is identified with the planet Jupiter. In 1976 Zecharia Sitchin wrote a book called The Twelfth Planet or Nibiru by Sitchin and Eldem. Nibiru in Sumerian tablets referred to an undiscovered 12th Planet or Planet X. Unlike the other planets in our solar system, Nibiru allegedly has an elliptical orbit and moves clockwise rather than counterclockwise. Nibiru's orbit passes through our solar system only once every 3,600 years, which is equal to one Nibiruan year. This controversial theory is based on Mr. Sitchin's interpretation of ancient Sumerian texts and cuneiform tablets, having its origins in the Bible, the book of Genesis. Sitchin has spent decades as an archeologist and historian researching ancient writings from the Sumerian civilization and putting them into his five-part paperback series.
Ndaba: (Manding-Congo/South Africa) =A council of wise people, kings, chiefs.
Netjer: is the Medu origin of the word Nigger, which means “God”, God of wisdom or force of nature. Medu Netjer is also the origin of the word “Mother Nature.” Netjer, a Kemetic word meaning “divine power,” is the one self- created deity which manifests in myriads of forms as the many forms of god/goddess manifest in nature. Each of the aspects is separate, but each remains a part of the whole. The word for divinity that they used to represent the sum of all the names of the gods and goddesses is “NTR”, pronounced “Net-jer”, this word means simply means God...
Nergal: is “the Healer” in the Sumerian lore. In ancient Sumeria, the Anunnaki which are also called Sun Serpents, The Heavenly Serpent, or The Serpent and the Rainbow, were the Serpents kings. Take for instance the Naki in the word Anunnaki. As in one of the chief Sumerian gods Enki, (connected to the Naki) “en” is translated as a title equivalent to lord; also a title given to the High Priest; “ki” which means earth; (connected to Geb the black goose). Naki is also connected “Nake” in s-NAKE) name for the Initiates of Chaldea, corresponding to the Nagas or “Snake-Kings.”..
Shub-Niggar-uth: is an ancient Sumerian name for God, called later in Latin called Pan. It is a reference to the constellation Sirius. Shub-Niggurath; often associated with the phrase “The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young”. Also is sometimes referred to as “The Black Ram of The Forest with a Thousand Ew.” The Black Goat is a personification of Pan.
Nakiel: another name of the Arch-angel Uriel. Naki-el in Hebrew means “Serpent of God,” or “Knowledge of God,” or” fire of God.” In The Book of Adam and Eve he presides over repentance. He’s is the dark angel who wrestled with Jacob at Peniel (Pineal Gland). The Magus claims that alchemy was brought down to earth by him...
Abe-Naki: “Father Serpent”, a name of an Indigenous people in .. .. America.. .. or the so-called Native Americans. The Abenaki also Wabanaki, meaning people of the dawn, are a tribe of Native Americans/First Nations belonging to the Algonquian peoples of the Northeast portion of .. North America.. .
Nuga-rmar-ta and Nago-mina: establishers of civilizations in .. Ghana.. and .. .. Mali.. .. that existed in the area before 1000 B.C.E...
Naba: In the Mossi tribe King is currently called “Naga”, which is “Naba,” which later developed into “Nuba” or “.. .. Nubia.. .. .” Nahsi is another word for “Nubian.”
Nebo: the Babylonian word or the Biblical Hebrew word “Nebo.” Hebrew-Assyrian word “Nebo” means “Prophet” or “Eye” as in the “All-Seeing Eye.” “Nebo or Nabu” means prophet, proclaimer. The Babylonian “Nebo” is the heavenly scribe. In Star Wars the Phantom Menace the princess Padme Amidala home world was Naboo an obvious play on them being Babylonian. Jar-Jar Binks is a “Gungun” The Gungans resemble Hadrosaurs, A type of dinosaur. This is a representation of the reptilian Kundalini serpent life force. They lived under the water and the Naboo live above ground. The gunguns are the primal life force and Amidala’s people are the transformed version of the, beauty and the beast. When she meets with their king she tells them that they always lived together in peace and how they need each other to survive. Pointing out the higher and lover self coming together...
Nakir: Is a black angel in Mohammedan lore...
Nabi: is the Arabic equivalent, which means “Master of Knowledge” and is derived from the ancient Kama'atu (Egyptian) word “.. .. Neb... .. ” meaning Gold. .. .. Neb.. .. (Serpent) spelt backwards is “Ben,” short for “Ben Ben,” meaning Source, Spring or Phoenix-Bird or "Serpent in the Sky").
Naga-raj: means “King of Serpents, Serpent King.” Nagaraj or Nagraj is a common Indian surname. .. .. ..
Naga-bhushan: means “One who wears Snakes as ornaments of Shiva.”
Nag-endra: means "King of Snakes." Means “lord of snakes” from Sanskrit Naga or again snake. The Nag is combined with the “Endra,” is the Hindu god Indra, used here to mean “lord”. This is a word used in Hindu texts to refer to a large snake...
Nag-esh: “Snake in Man,” which is a reference to the Kundalini serpent force sleeping in the garden at the base of your spine.
Naga Kanya: “Snake of the Rainbow.” The Naga Kanya is a Seven-headed Cobra, a counterpart of the God Vishnu. Naga-rjuna of .. .. India.. .. is shown with a golden aura, or halo, of Seven Serpents that is an indication of a very high degree of Initiation. The symbolism of the Seven Serpents is a reference to the (Seven Chakras)...
Naga Lakshmi: “Queen of Snakes.”
Naga-mani: “Mind of Serpents.” Some of the earliest legends describe The Naga women who turn from human to snake at will, aided by a jewel embedded in their forehead which is the pineal gland or third eye. This is a myth, referencing the power of the rising Kundalini.
Nagal: “Serpent-God” and is the title of the medicine men, magicians and initiates in ancient .. .. Mexico.. .. , Central and South American Indigenous civilizations. Nagal means a “Teacher, Serpent-God, Chief”, In Uruguay...
Naggai: is Hebrew and it means “giving light, shining, brilliant, illuminating, enlightening, luminous intelligence...
Nachash: is Hebrew and means “Serpent.” Nachash, is the serpent that spoke to the woman in the Garden of Eden. The Hebrew word Nachash is translated to “shine” as in golden aura, illumination of full Kundalini. Also means whisper (as in enchantment) Nachash is the Shining enchanter. He was also shrewd, cunning, smooth, slick higher intelligence...
Nazarene: (Nasarene, Naaserene, Nazirite or Nazarite) is a Hebrew (Het-Heru) word which means Aide, Helper or Friend; also means a native or resident of .. .. Nazareth.. .. . Nazirite or Nazarite The German word Nazi, the German fascist party controlled under Hitler in 1933 to 1945, is also derived from the Hebrew word Nazi-r or Nazi-rite.
Naas: (gnosis) and this is the realm of the People or those made from mud “Black mud” (melanin)...
Naga-Krita: (Chinese are from the Ngu-African descent), Chinese are even said to have originated with the Serpent demi-gods. In .. .. China.. .. , the Naga is given the form of the Dragon, also called the “Dragon Spirit” the Emperor-King and is known as the “Son of Heaven.”..
Naga-rjuna: called in Tibetan, Lu-trub, “The God-Serpents”. In .. .. Tibet.. .. , they are still known in a symbolic sense and are called “Lu (Dragon).”..
Nahua: is a Mexican word which means “Serpent.”
Ngola: (.. .. Angola.. .. ) means “King” in the Angolan languages...
Negus: (Nee-goos) Ethiopian term for Emperor...
..Niger.. .. : Roman/Latin term for Black or Negro
Negre: French for Negro or Black
Negro: Spanish for Black